The Potential of Nonprofit Self-Organized Ride Sharing for Sustainable Transportation

SDG Circle, Wheel

SDG Highlights

Multicultural, young men, women, sharing car ride, smiling, teamwork, sustainable transportation
William87, Happy smiling people sharing car ride,, accessed April 04, 2024.


Dr. Sharon Shoshany-Tavory is a cyber‐physical systems expert with 30+ years of industrial experience in defense and transportation systems. Dr. Shoshany-Tavory wrote her PhD in Natural Resources and Environmental Management at UofH on the topic of self‐organized ride sharing. She recently published, “A cross-cultural study of nonprofit self-organized ridesharing”, together with NREM faculty member, Prof. Tamar Trop. The article, published in Transportation, explores the potential of nonprofit ridesharing for sustainable transportation by analyzing eight diverse self‐organized ridesharing (SORS) cases, highlighting recurring patterns, contextual factors, and policy recommendations for fostering SORS growth and diffusion.

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