Professor Guy Bar-Oz to win ERC Advanced for his proposal “Bio-archaeology of heritage trees and traditional horticulture at the edge of the desert “

Professor Guy Bar-Oz to win ERC Advanced for his proposal “Bio-archaeology of heritage trees and traditional horticulture at the edge of the desert “

By: Office of the VP and Dean for Research and Development
Published in:
SDGs : SDG 02, SDG 15  |  Units: School of Archaeology and Maritime Cultures, Faculty of Humanities  | Time: 2023 |  Link
Description: Professor Guy Bar-Oz from the School of Archaeology, Faculty of Humanities, to win the most prestigious individual research grant of the European Union – ERC Advanced, for his proposal: “Bio-archaeology of heritage trees and traditional horticulture at the edge of the desert “. Ancient fruit trees found in various places of the Mediterranean region and on the edge of the desert, are living archeological relics and store within them important information about traditional and sustainable horticulture that is essential for us even today, in an era of climate change and global warming. The current research will combine several fields of knowledge with the aim of getting to know the ecology and evolution of the ancient orchard and the main fruit trees that were cultivated in the traditional agriculture of the country (vine, olives, dates, figs).