Israeli education and the Apartheid in South Africa: ongoing insights

Israeli education and the Apartheid in South Africa: ongoing insights

By: Agbaria A.K.
Published in: Intercultural Education
SDGs : SDG 04  |  Units: Education  | Time: 2018 |  Link
Description: Focusing on education policy and politics in Israel, this essay examines how ethnic segregation is established and sheds light on the latest curricular developments that place a heavy emphasis on Jewish identity. The first part of the paper underscores the rising influence of the radical right in Israel and it’s political theology. The second part presents the Apartheid education in South Africa. In doing so, this part underscores the roles of segregation and religion in establishing a justificatory system that legitimises racial superiority and presents Apartheid education as ‘civilising’ and ‘modernising’. In the third part, the paper discusses how segregation and religious-ethnonationalism make up an apartheid-like reality in Israel, focusing on recent curricular policies. The final part presents concluding thoughts on racism and colonialism. © 2018 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.