Hydrology and water management in Israel and the southern Levant [Hydrologie und Wasserwirtschaft in Israel und der südlichen Levante]
By: Greenbaum N.
Published in: Geographische Rundschau
SDGs : SDG 13 | Units: | Time: 2020 | Link
Description: Israel, located in a semi-arid Mediterranean to arid climate region, similar to other countries in the southern Levant, suffers from water scarcity. The natural water resources -1.2 billion m3per year on average, mostly groundwater together with water pumped from the Sea of Galilee, cover only half of annual water consumption amounting to 2.4 billion m3per year. In 2008, this water scarcity and the increasing demand triggered a long-term programme of seawater desalination (about 30 % of annual consumption at present) as well as increasing water recycling mainly for agriculture (about 20 %). This enables Israel to provide water also to Jordan and to the Palestinian Authority. © 2020 Westermann Schulbuchverlag GmbH. All rights reserved.