Family home business in Kibbutz industry sustainability

Family home business in Kibbutz industry sustainability

By: Moskovich Y.
Published in: Sustainability (Switzerland)
SDGs : SDG 09  |  Units:   | Time: 2020 |  Link
Description: This study defines and examines kibbutz industries as an expanded form of family business. It explores the sociological characteristics of this new type of enterprise, extending familial business culture theory innovatively by adding a new category of business to those already described in the relevant literature. The research addressed multiple case studies, using anthropological interviews and document analysis methods to explore three new familial types: 1. Communal Familial Type, Kibbutz industries that are still communal and have retained familial attributes; 2. Business Communal Familial Type, Kibbutz industries that have undergone privatization, retaining only half the communal cultural features typical of kibbutzim and displaying greater business orientation; 3. Business Type, Kibbutz industries that have lost their familial attributes or communal cultural features. The first two types maintain kibbutz community and industrial sustainability, while the last can be a threat to kibbutz sustainability. © 2020 by the author.