Establishing a Diversity, Inclusion and Community Array

Establishing a Diversity, Inclusion and Community Array

By: President’s office
Published in:
SDGs : SDG 05, SDG 10  |  Units: Administration  | Time: 2023 |  Link
Description: The University of Haifa is proud to announce the establishment of a Diversity, Inclusion and Community Array, led by Prof. Arin Salamah-Qudsi from the Department of Arabic Language and Literature and Dr. Yael Granot-Bein, who until recently served as the director of the social engagement unit in the Dean of Students.
The establishment of the Array is a significant step towards implementing the vision of social sustainability, promoted by the University of Haifa. The university community reflects Israeli society, in all its social diversity and heterogeneity. Intelligent and proactive management of the campus in terms of diversity is a necessary condition for growth and innovation, and for strengthening the sense of belonging and cohesion among faculty members and students. The Diversity, Inclusion and Community Array will be responsible for mapping the various populations represented on campus and creating opportunities for dialogue between members of the administrative and academic faculty, male and female students from different population groups. The Array will lead design of policies and the implementation of practices that will enable the creation of a true partnership between the different populations that make up the university community.