Circular economy-situation in Israel

Circular economy-situation in Israel

By: Daskal S., Ayalon O.
Published in: Circular Economy: Global Perspective
SDGs : SDG 12  |  Units: Social Sciences  | Time: 2019 |  Link
Description: Circular economy (CE) is still in its infancy in Israel. In the past years, the Israeli Ministry of Environmental Protec tion (IMoEP) and the Israeli Ministry of Economy and Industry (IMoE&I) have started consolidating numerous plans toward achieving CE. Yet the main activities in this field in the past three decades were related to waste management and recycling, in an effort for closing the municipal solid waste (MSW) loop as a significant key factor in achieving a CE. The measures that were taken have been mainly reflected in regulation and legislation conducted by the IMoEP for increasing the overall recycling rates in Israel. The case of Israel, however, illustrates that even when there is an extensive regulation including laws, economic penalties, and financial incentives such as landfill levy, this does not guarantee achievements or improvements in MSW treatment and promote CE. The development of suitable infrastructure to enable achievement of the desired results is necessary. This chapter presents the main steps taken to promote recycling and additional plans consolidated for achieving CE in Israel. © Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2020.