NEW Chapter in Track III Actions: Transforming Protracted Political Conflicts from the Bottom-up

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SDG Highlights

Dr. Ran Kuttner in a discussion of the House Committee at The Knesset – הכנסת on the topic of “roadmap for the resolution of disputes”. Photo Credit: Post by MA in Peace And Conflict Management, 18 January, 2022


Dr. Ran Kuttner, Head of the Program for Peace and Conflict Management, wrote the chapter, “Developing Regional Mediational Leadership as a Means for Cultivating Dialogue” in the new Volume II Track III Actions: Transforming Protracted Political Conflicts from the Bottom‐up published by De Gruyter. The chapter outlines an extended training program for Jewish and Arab change agents in the Wadi A’ra district, emphasizing leadership training, capacity building for dialogue, and conflict engagement.

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