The Meaning of the Protection Order for Abused Women in Israel
By: Buchbinder E.
Published in: Journal of Social Service Research
SDGs : SDG 01 | Units: Social Welfare & Health Sciences | Time: 2021 | Link
Description: The protection order (PO) provides legal aid as a social protection for abused women. Research has focused mainly on its effectiveness, but few studies have examined the meaning and impact of POs from abused women's perspectives. This qualitative research was based on interviews with 12 women aged 32 to 58, who had received a PO for a period of at least six months. Analysis of the interviews revealed a mixture of themes regarding the meaning and impacts of PO. The themes that emerged reflect the meaning of PO as a transition from a pattern of defensiveness and fragility to a stance of choice and strength, as well as the perception of PO as demanding, emotionally consuming, and providing no guarantee of safety. The discussion is based on narrative dialectical-existential concepts of choice in a given circumstance, and describes the anxiety experienced by abused women when implementing their choices. © 2020 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.